How to Encourage Independent Play

I want to encourage you today to take some time for yourself. If you have a child in the 2-5 year-old range, it can be tempting to “go, go, go” all day, just counting the hours until bedtime when you can finally relax and unwind. Many of us fall into the trap of being our…

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Potty Training Strategies for Success

 Potty training. Ugh.  Is that what you’re thinking? Does it exhaust you and make you clench your fists just thinking about it? Take a deep breath. Relax.  Allow yourself to see it for what it is – part of helping your child gain independence, giving her room to learn about how her body works, and…

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Daylight Savings Time Strategies

I don’t think I’ve ever met a parent who didn’t have a bit of apprehension for daylight savings time. We all dread the unwanted disruption and secretly wish there were some kind of magic pill we could give our kids to encourage just one more measly hour of sleep each morning until the transition is…

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